Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Cheers to new beginnings

New years resolution is how are the bad attitude and doings in the past year that you want to change or improve in order to be the best version of yourself. Last year was not really good but not that bad, but i am very much thankful for what i did become today and happy that i did explore to gain new learning and come out to the cage where you can see is only darkness.

One of my biggest mistakes last year was the chance that i just let it pass without taking the risk just because afraid of knowing how it will end up well and wasn't able to see the result of the thing I am overthinking. But this new year i will not let it again, just try to take the risk and to live to the full of it. Even though the results are not as good as i think, i will just try to embrace and accept the truth rather than just sitting in a corner thinking how those chances are in my hands and control it. I will never be isolating myself in exploring new things in life that can help me to grow more.

Other than that, i want to deepen my relationship with the Lord for me to have a stronger faith for me. Those bad habits, like always doing maƱana habit last year, i will definitely change it for the best. In the past years God really not leave by my side even though i am facing a lot of problems and that what was i'm thankful for. To begin this new year, having a lots of patience is needed, be thankful what you pray for, create a good habits, start having a planner, and enjoy life more.



Monday, 6 January 2025

Memories to treasure


As we all know the season for Christmas is all about gift giving. Especially children who are very happy to receive gifts from their family, friends, and classmates, and you can really see their smiles from ear to ear. During my christmas vacation i spent my time with my family and cousins.

In December 21, 2024 we celebrate the christmas early with the Well-Spring of Faith for we have time to spent our vacation with our family. Our Pastor & Pastora choose to celebrate christmas here rather than in America. The mothers in our church bring their gifts for exchange gift. Kids are very happy to see that there are a lot of things in the table that are being wrapped and ready to receive. 

While me and the Youth prepare the games to make the people here entertained and to enjoy, all of them join to receive a rewards. After eating, one of our pastor gave us all a 20 pesos and we are rejoicing and very grateful. All of us receive gifts, but the most important is how we celebrate christmas with Jesus. After this day, i went to my cousins house to celebrate with them and we learn from each other how to play a guitar.

We learned from the word of God that we don't have the reason to celebrate Christmas if God didn't gave us his only son to save us from our sins for we don't know what we are doing. Without Christ in CHRISTmas is only 'mas' that are being left. I am thankful that i have these people who make this christmas memorable for me.

Community-Based Research Journey

  Here are the ways and strategies we work on in order to address the problems and issues in our community by conducting Community-Based Res...