Saturday, 7 December 2024

Building a safer world for everyone


RA 8353 (The Anti-Rape Law of 1997)

According to the Philippine Commission on women the Republic Act No. 8353 is an Act Expanding the Definition of the Crime of Rape and Reclassifying the same as Crime Against Persons or also known as The Anti-Rape Law of 1997. Rape violates a person’s well being and not just ones virginity or purity. The law considers that any person, whether a prostituted person, non-virgin or one who has an active sexual life may be victimized by rape. Anyone can be a rape victim, but the incidence of rape is more on women and girls. Also, any man or woman may be liable for rape and it is possible that a man may rape his own wife, an act deemed as “marital rape.” The penalty for rape in general may apply on the offender who commits marital rape. One of the penalties varies depending on the act itself and the circumstances surrounding it where the Reclusion Perpetua or the Imprisonment from 20 to 40 years is imposed on the offender if rape is committed through sexual intercourse. This law is related to the Violence Against Women (VAW) because most of the people who are held liable are women and in order to keep them safe.

• RA 10364 (Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2013)

The Republic Act (RA) 10364 is an expanding Republic Act No. 9208 to institute policies to eliminate trafficking in persons especially women and children, establishing the necessary institutional mechanism for the protection and support of trafficked persons, providing penalties for its violation and for other purposes. It is also known as the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2013, a law that aims to eliminate trafficking in persons and protect trafficked people. According to the Government for the Commission for GOCCs, it is an act of recruiting, transporting, or harboring a person for the purpose of exploitation, with or without their consent. This includes the use of force, threat, fraud, or deception. Also, the penalties were if a person found guilty of trafficking in persons faces a penalty of 20 years in prison and a fine of at least 1 million pesos but no more than 2 million pesos. It stated that it is required to prioritize the development of programs and measures to protect people especially women and children from violence and exploitation, that is why this act is also related to Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC). 





  1. Let's unite to end violence against women and children and build a safer world for everyone. I hope the violence that they experience will stop.

  2. Wow I'm glad that you're spreading the word about VAWC. Amazing job bto!


Community-Based Research Journey

  Here are the ways and strategies we work on in order to address the problems and issues in our community by conducting Community-Based Res...