Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Community-Based Research Journey

 Here are the ways and strategies we work on in order to address the problems and issues in our community by conducting Community-Based Research (CBR). Bantay is a town in Ilocos Sur where most people are farmers and we find out that in recent years, technology has been a big help in improving the lives of these farmers, especially in terms of health, well-being, and coping with climate change. 

First in doing this research we gathered some materials we needed and started to plan what will be the first step, second, third, and so on. As our teacher finishes in instructing us and gives our topics, we don't lose the chance instead we take the risk even though we're doubting our own capabilities.

After that, we started to research our community to learn more further before we took action for us to see what are really the problems that it needed to solve and what issues people need a hand or help from someone. Each of the members share their insights about the topic that was given to us.

Then, just to have some facts and evidence we started to interview some of the farmers in our barangay to know what they are facing in the fields of agriculture. Also, we ask them about what their strategies are in cultivating crops, pests, and how they adjust in planting due to climate change.

After gathering the things we needed, we were now ready to start our web pages and design by using notepad and CSS. We basically apply the things we learned from this subject, so the coding, designing and many more became efficient and easier to do. 

Lastly, we can now proceed in presenting our CBR to our teachers and classmates. In this case, a lots of realization, lessons, and thought that was formed. In presenting this kind of research we need to boost our skills in communication in order for the audience to easily understand the topic and the issue that was shown in the CBR.

Learning and exploring new things along the way


This 3rd quarter journey thought me a lot of things with regards to HTML List, HTML Frames and all about working out our Community-Based Research. But, what I enjoyed the most was finding out what I'm supposed to do in order to achieve and finish the task or activity that was given to us. 

From the said activities, it was first discussed and explained further by our practice teacher but there's still a lot of struggles I've faced during working out with these task. Especially, when it comes to doing our Web Design, encoding the datas we gather from our research. Basically at first we really don't know what we are supposed to do and was still first overthinking than finding out the best solution in our problems. That's why things don't coordinate with our plans.

But, that's not a reason to stop and be a burden to our research, though some of us have lost it's hope to stand from these circumstances. In contrast, for we have the courage to work things out, we finished at the very best we can. Having negative thoughts in mind will not help you in the path you want to take, it can be your downfall. If you embrace these thoughts it can't give you the peace of mind . In addressing these kinds of problems, just believe in your ability for us to grow more better and a lot of realization and lessons you gained. Also, I'm very thankful to my classmates who taught and correct my wrongdoing in our activities.

Moving on, I will still continue to dig deeper to the HTML lessons in order to further understand what I did learned and did not. If we want to explore a lot of things to gain more knowledge, be the one to step to the path you want to take for us to achieve the missing piece of learnings in our lives.

Chinese New Year: Bringing luck and clearing out the negativity


Chinese New Year is also known as Lunar New Year or the Spring Festival— it's a celebration that symbolizes luck and prosperity as the Chinese welcome another year with open arms to have good fortunes, making room for positivity and new beginnings in their lives. It was being celebrated by Chinese communities around the world and it started during new moon that occurs between January 21 to February 20 but it will only last until the following full moon.

Do you know that the red envelopes, sticky food, fireworks, prosperity ball was rooted in China and the Philippines was being influenced by these kind of culture, trade, and foods. So, we Filipinos also celebrate Chinese New Year and it was started when the Proclamation No. 295 that was issued in November 11. According to Aquino "This is a manifestation of our solidarity with our Chinese-Filipino brethren who have been part of our lives in many respects as a country and as a people."

On the other hand, it's not only about the solidarity but it was because of the way or a time to strengthen the community and family bonds and appreciation for the Chinese Heritage in our country. Also, celebrating this kind of festival, Filipinos enjoy seeing the vibrant decorations along the way, giving and receiving red envelopes or what they call 'ang pao', watching dragon and lion dances that were also those who prepared. By participating in these said activities, it was reflecting the country's multicultural spirit. 

Lastly, thousands of Filipinos joined and celebrated Lunar New Year in Binondo, Manila District where it is one of the oldest Chinatown in the world. They honor the 50th anniversary of Chinese-Filipino Diplomatic Relations by having a fireworks display, drone and dragon dances show, parade, and cultural performances that celebrate Chinese-Filipino traditions. Hence, it wasn't an energetic show but it was all about how they renew the longstanding friendship between China and the Philippines.


Sunday, 2 February 2025

Come and see, the historic beauty of Vigan City!


     A place that remained strongly standing despite the things that have happened in the past years. Vigan City's appeal can make you insane, and able to witness the timeless beauty of it. At first glance you can see it's captivity and urging you to mesmerize the place where it can bring you back to the time where the Spanish colonization happened in our hometown. Every step you take, the deeper you fall in love and leave your mouth in awe as you can see the uniqueness of its architecture particularly its grid street pattern and historic urban layout that it creates a homogeneous townscape.

     Before it became a city it was first called Ciudad Fernandina in honor of King Ferdinand II of Aragon. Vigan was established in the 16th century and it was planned in a way of Spanish Colonial town that turns out the best-preserved town in Asia.

     Did you know? In 1999, Vigan was declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site as one of the Seven Wonder Cities in the world. Even though 400 years have passed, you can still see how the historic buildings are still standing despite what happened in World War II. The two storey structures show the multi-cultural influences like European trading town, Chinese, and much of Hispanic colonial character that makes it more unique.

     Vigan was once a municipality in Ilocos Sur, then years have passed and it became a city that you never thought it would be. Residents see it as a home to the Historic City of Vigan. You can see in this place the cobblestone, and checkerboard streets evidence that it was the European influence. This place is a dream come true tourist destination, there are museums that show the national heroes that were born in the town and have a contribution in protecting this home.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Cheers to new beginnings

New years resolution is how are the bad attitude and doings in the past year that you want to change or improve in order to be the best version of yourself. Last year was not really good but not that bad, but i am very much thankful for what i did become today and happy that i did explore to gain new learning and come out to the cage where you can see is only darkness.

One of my biggest mistakes last year was the chance that i just let it pass without taking the risk just because afraid of knowing how it will end up well and wasn't able to see the result of the thing I am overthinking. But this new year i will not let it again, just try to take the risk and to live to the full of it. Even though the results are not as good as i think, i will just try to embrace and accept the truth rather than just sitting in a corner thinking how those chances are in my hands and control it. I will never be isolating myself in exploring new things in life that can help me to grow more.

Other than that, i want to deepen my relationship with the Lord for me to have a stronger faith for me. Those bad habits, like always doing maƱana habit last year, i will definitely change it for the best. In the past years God really not leave by my side even though i am facing a lot of problems and that what was i'm thankful for. To begin this new year, having a lots of patience is needed, be thankful what you pray for, create a good habits, start having a planner, and enjoy life more.


Monday, 6 January 2025

Memories to treasure


As we all know the season for Christmas is all about gift giving. Especially children who are very happy to receive gifts from their family, friends, and classmates, and you can really see their smiles from ear to ear. During my christmas vacation i spent my time with my family and cousins.

In December 21, 2024 we celebrate the christmas early with the Well-Spring of Faith for we have time to spent our vacation with our family. Our Pastor & Pastora choose to celebrate christmas here rather than in America. The mothers in our church bring their gifts for exchange gift. Kids are very happy to see that there are a lot of things in the table that are being wrapped and ready to receive. 

While me and the Youth prepare the games to make the people here entertained and to enjoy, all of them join to receive a rewards. After eating, one of our pastor gave us all a 20 pesos and we are rejoicing and very grateful. All of us receive gifts, but the most important is how we celebrate christmas with Jesus. After this day, i went to my cousins house to celebrate with them and we learn from each other how to play a guitar.

We learned from the word of God that we don't have the reason to celebrate Christmas if God didn't gave us his only son to save us from our sins for we don't know what we are doing. Without Christ in CHRISTmas is only 'mas' that are being left. I am thankful that i have these people who make this christmas memorable for me.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Showcasing the culture and tradition

 Showcasing the culture and tradition 

In the Philippines there are many cultures that are forgotten including the culture of the indigenous people and some of them is we don't know. Many of their rights have been violated but in the month of October, this is the day to appreciate the culture and tradition from these people.

Indigenous Peoples Month and the 27th Year Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) Commemoration from October 1-30 with the theme “Mga Katutubo at Katutubong Dunong: Pahalagahan, Pangalagaan at Parangalana.” (Valuing, Nurturing, and Honoring Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Knowledge). The October celebration will culminate the activity of honoring the Indigenous Peoples who are prime movers and champions for IPRA, practitioners and advocates in the preservation/safeguarding of the Indigenous Peoples culture and transfer of indigenous knowledge, systems and practices to younger generations. It showcase the importance of embracing the culture of our citizens.

It also promotes and protect the rights and culture of the Indigenous People. By this celebration we can also extend our heartfelt greetings to thank them specifically for their contributions in agriculture and food security; their culture and customs and traditions woven in their natural environment and ancestral domains; their roles as stewards of our country’s land and seas; and their leadership role in nation building.


Resiliency through adversity

 Resiliency through adversity 

The Philippines is already vulnerable to extreme weather, but climate change is making storms more intense and frequent. We know that Filipinos is resilient when it comes to the problems in every day life. But if we talk about climate change, people cannot solve or prevent the effects with this issue. The least thing that we can do is to reduce the impact to our lives.

The predominant reasons for sudden or progressive change in the environment that adversely affect many Filipinos' lives or living conditions. Due to the intense and frequent cause by the climate change, because storms can cause; floods, Loss of life and livelihoods, and Landslides and erosion. Because of these, the things that can be affected are; Agricultural losses that are connected to our foods for us to live, Ocean acidification and warming oceans and these can damage coral reefs, which are important for fish that support the livelihoods of fisher people, Economic damage and the World Bank estimates that climate change could cause annual economic damages of up to 13.6% of the country's GDP. Most especially is our Public health risks climate change can threaten the health of vulnerable groups like women and indigenous people.

The Philippines is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to its location and geography. The country is ranked highest in the world for vulnerability to tropical cyclones and third for the number of people exposed to them. But the Filipinos will strategies to be able to continue their work or any thing that is connected to their way of living because that's how Filipino being resilient. They still manage to smile even if the problem already causes them a headache.


Adventurous Learning

 Adventurous Learning 

This second quarter has been an amazing experience in html coding, at first glance I thought I would not be able to do or finish the activity but when i did push myself through it makes my heart flutter because of happiness and the excitement making it on top for the next activity. Even though it was challenging, it was incredibly amazing and looking forward to a much wonderful and hard to encode this time. But i must say that this journey was filled with enjoyment in learning.

But also, i still encountered some challenges in coding. Especially when some of the important key words to make your activity be able to work were sometimes i forgot. After that i will find those words to correct my mistakes, in order to be satisfied with what you want to see in your output you must work hard for it, not minding the time and just enjoying what you're currently doing.

I've learned and gained a lot of knowledge in this quarter and wanting it to be more amazing adventure in the next quarter. I'm hoping that all of these lessons will remain in my memory so that i can use them in the future especially with my studies in college soon.

A hero to be known


President Elpidio Quirino was born on November 16, 1890, in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. His ancestry was Chinese mestizo. He had an affluent childhood. Elpidio was a talented student, and he graduated from the University of the Philippines Law School. He is known as the sixth President of the Philippines, serving from 1948 to 1953.

After World War II, Quirino served as secretary of state and vice president under the first president of the independent Philippines, Manuel Roxas. When Roxas died on April 15, 1948, Quirino succeeded to the presidency. The following year, he was elected president for a four-year term on the Liberal Party ticket, defeating the Nacionalista candidate. Tragically, his wife and three of his children were brutally killed by Japanese naval forces during the Battle of Manila in February 1945. During his presidency, Elpidio Quirino had his surviving daughter, Victoria, serve as his First Lady for social and ceremonial functions.

He was marked by notable postwar reconstruction, general economic gains, and increased economic aid from the United States. Basic social problems, however, particularly in the rural areas, remained unsolved; Quirino's administration was tainted by widespread graft and corruption.

Quirino's six years as president were marked by notable postwar reconstruction, general economic gains, and increased economic aid from the United States. He focused attention on two major goals: restoration of the faith of the people in the government and total economic mobilization. To achieve the first objective, he intensified house-cleaning in the government to weed out the corrupt. For his second goal, he supported the establishment of several industrial plants and projects at strategic points all over the country, thereby mobilizing its economic resources and ushering in an era of industrialization.


Nurture to our Future


Nurture to our Future 

Behind those smiles from those hopes for the betterment of our country, but if we look at the reality they are the ones who are really affected by those social ills. Many of the children in the Philippines are being abused from their own family, forced to work, not allowed to study and other things that show the violation of their rights.

Due to this issue, in the Philippines they celebrate the National Children's Month with the theme: “Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines." annually in November to to promote children's rights and welfare. In this month, it shows how to Ensure children have access to quality education, healthy environments, and adequate healthcare, raising awareness of children's rights, encouraging communities to create spaces where children can thrive and make them feel safe and protected from any harm that can cause them trauma or any physically, mentally, emotionally affected.

Children are one of the important parts of the world population, what we need to do is to ensure that they are being guided through the way for their future, make them feel that they're love, and nurture md in a way that they are happy and doesn't experiencing some difficulties just to prove themselves to people who are not believing to their capabilities 


Community-Based Research Journey

  Here are the ways and strategies we work on in order to address the problems and issues in our community by conducting Community-Based Res...